Wednesday, August 9, 2017

CIR v. The Insular Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

"Stare decisis et non quieta movere. Stand by the decisions and disturb not what is settled. Stare decisis simply means that for the sake of certainty, a conclusion reached in one case should be applied to those that follow if the facts are substantially the same, even though the parties may be different. It proceeds from the first principle of justice that, absent any powerful countervailing considerations, like cases ought to be decided alike. Thus, where the same questions relating to the same event have been put forward by the parties similarly situated as in a previous case litigated and decided by a competent court, the rule of stare decisisis a bar to any attempt to relitigate the same issue."

Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue is the official duly authorized under Section 4 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997 to assess and collect internal revenue taxes, as well as the power to decide disputed assessments, subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of this Court.

Respondent The Insular Life Assurance, Co., Ltd. is a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. It is registered as a non-stock mutual life insurer with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
On October 7, 2004, respondent received an Assessment Notice with Formal Letter of Demand both dated July 29, 2004, assessing respondent for deficiency DST on its premiums on direct business/sums assured for calendar year 2002, computed as follows:

Documentary Stamp Tax
Deficiency Documentary Stamp              ₱70,732,389.83

Add: Increments (Interest and                  23,201,969.38
Compromise Penalty)

Total Amount Due                                    ₱93,934,359.21

Thereafter, respondent filed its Protest Letter on November 4, 2004, which was subsequently denied by petitioner in a Final Decision, on Disputed Assessment dated April 15, 2005 for lack of factual and legal bases. Apparently, respondent received the aforesaid Final Decision on Disputed Assessment only on June 23, 2005.


The Court has pronounced in Republic of the Philippines v. Sunlife Assurance Company ofCanada9 that "[u]nder the Tax Code although respondent is a cooperative, registration with the CDA is not necessary in order for it to be exempt from the payment of both percentage taxes on insurance premiums, under Section 121; and documentary stamp taxes on policies of insurance or annuities it grants, under Section 199."
Section 199 of the NIRC of 1997 provides:
Sec. 199. Documents and Papers Not Subject to Stamp Tax. – The provisions of Section 173 to the contrary notwithstanding, the following instruments, documents and papers shall be exempt from the documentary stamp tax:

(a) Policies of insurance or annuities made or granted by a fraternal or beneficiary society, order, association or cooperative company, operated on the lodge system or local cooperation plan and organized and conducted solely by the members thereof for the exclusive benefit of each member and not for profit.

x x x x (Emphasis ours)

As regards the applicability of Sunlife to the case at bar, the CTA, through records, has established the following similarities between the two which call for the application of the doctrine of stare decisis:
1. Sunlife Assurance Company of Canada and the respondent are both engaged in mutual life insurance business in the Philippines;
2. The structures of both corporations were converted from stock life insurance corporation to non-stock mutual life insurance for the benefit of its policyholders pursuant to Section 266, Title 17 of the Insurance Code of 1978 and they were made prior to the effectivity of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6938, otherwise known as the "Cooperative Code of the Philippines";
3. Both corporations claim to bea purely cooperative corporation duly licensed to engage in mutual life insurance business;
4. Both corporations claim exemption from payment of the documentary stamp taxes (DST) under Section 199(1) of the Tax Code (now Section 199[a] of the NIRC of 1997, as amended); and
5. Petitioner CIR requires registration with the CDA before it grants tax exemptions under the Tax Code.

The CTA observed that the factual circumstances obtaining in Sunlife and the present case are substantially the same. Hence, the CTA based its assailed decision on the doctrine enunciated by the Court in the said case. On the other hand, the petitioner submitted that the doctrine in Sunlife should be reconsidered and not be applied because the same failed to consider Section 3(e) of R.A No. 6939,12 which provides that CDA has the power to register all cooperatives,13 to wit:
Section 3. Powers, Functions and Responsibilities. – The Authority shall have the following powers, functions and responsibilities:


(e) Register all cooperatives and their federations and unions, including their division, merger, consolidation, dissolution or liquidation. It shall also register the transfer of all or substantially all of their assets and liabilities and such other matters as may be required by the Authority;


The Court presented three justifications in Sunlife why registration with the CDA is not necessary for cooperatives to claim exemption from DST.

First, the NIRC of 1997 does not require registration with the CDA. No tax provision requires a mutual life insurance company to register with that agency in order to enjoy exemption from both percentage and DST. Although a provision of Section 8 of the Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 48-91 requires the submission of the Certificate of Registration with the CDA before the issuance of a tax exemption certificate, that provision cannot prevail over the clear absence of an equivalent requirement under the Tax Code.

Second, the provisions of the Cooperative Code of the Philippines do not apply.19 The history of the Cooperative Code was amply discussed in Sunlife where it was noted that cooperatives under the old law, Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 17520 "referred only to an organization composed primarily of small producers and consumers who voluntarily joined to form a business enterprise that they themselves owned, controlled, and patronized. The Bureau of Cooperatives Development — under the Department of Local Government and Community Development (later Ministry of Agriculture) — had the authority to register, regulate and supervise only the following cooperatives: (1) barrio associations involved in the issuance of certificates of land transfer; (2) local or primary cooperatives composed of natural persons and/or barrio associations; (3) federations composed of cooperatives that may or may not perform business activities; and (4) unions of cooperatives that did not perform any business activities. Respondent does not fall under any of the abovementioned types of cooperatives required to be registered under [P.D. No.] 175."

When the Cooperative Code was enacted years later, all cooperatives that were registered under PD 175 and previous laws were also deemed registered with the CDA. Since respondent was not required to be registered under the old law on cooperatives, it followed that it was not required to be registered even under the new law.

"The distinguishing feature of a cooperative enterprise is the mutuality of cooperation among its member-policyholders united for that purpose. So long as respondent meets this essential feature, it does not even have to use and carry the name of a cooperative to operate its mutual life insurance business. Gratia argumenti that registration is mandatory; it cannot deprive respondent of its tax exemption privilege merely because it failed to register. The nature of its operations is clear; its purpose well-defined. Exemption when granted cannot prevail over administrative convenience."
Third, the Insurance Code does not require registration with the CDA. "The provisions of this Code primarily govern insurance contracts; only if a particular matter in question is not specifically provided for shall the provisions of the Civil Code on contracts and special laws govern."

There being no cogent reason for the Court to deviate from its ruling in Sunlife, the Court holds that the respondent, being a cooperative company not mandated by law to be registered with the CDA, cannot be required under RMC No. 48-91, a mere circular, to be registered prior to availing of DST exemption.

"While administrative agencies, such as the Bureau of Internal Revenue, may issue regulations to implement statutes, they are without authority to limit the scope of the statute to less than what it provides, or extend or expand the statute beyond its terms, or in any way modify explicit provisions of the law. Indeed, a quasi-judicial body or an administrative agency for that matter cannot amend an act of Congress. Hence, in case of a discrepancy between the basic law and an interpretative or administrative ruling, the basic law prevails. "

Petition is DENIED.

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